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Mr. Shashi Kumar, working as Senior Instructor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, received his Diploma degree in Electronics and Communication from MEI Polytechnic, Bangalore, in the year 1993, Higher Diploma degree in Software Engineering from HDSE, Aptech, Chikkaballapur, Karnataka in 2002 and Master of Arts in Political Science, Mysore University respectively, Mysore in the year 2000.
He has over 20 years of academic and industry experience. His area of expertise is in Medical Electronics, Pharmology, Kannada literature, IEEE active club coordinator. He is also technically sound in guiding students in Analog Electronics lab, Digital Electronics lab, Electronic principles and circuits lab, Communication Lab, Analog Electronics lab
Analog Electronics lab, Digital Electronics lab, Electronic principles and circuits lab, Communication lab and other circuits lab.
+91 90711 17475
+91 9535423635
+91 9900529066
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