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Mr. Adithya D A

Computer Science and Engineering


Mr. Adithya D A

Assistant Professor

Mr. Adithya D A


Mr. Adithya , Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Bangalore. He has studied M. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from VTU, Bangalore and BE in Computer Science and Engineering from VTU, Bangalore and Currently Pursuing PhD in Computer science and Engineering.  He has 3 years of Industry experience and 1 years of academic experience. He has published research papers in various National and International journals.  He is life member in MIAENG

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science


Journal Publications
  1. Adithya D A, (2019). “A Novel Approach for Collaborative Spam Filtering to Protect Mail box” International Journal of Research Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJRSEEE), 5(2), PP.18-26. DOI: 9436.0502003
  2. Adithya D A, Dr.Gowrishankar(2021) “ Predictive Analysis of Linear B-Cell Epitopes in Immune Function using ML Algorithms”, International Journal of Research
Paper Presentations in International/National Conferences

Studies in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(1), Page No : 23-30. DOI: http://dx.dOI.ORG/10.20431/2349-4859.0801003 3. Presented a paper titled “ A study on Predictive Analysis of Linear B-Cell Epitopes in Immune Function using ML Algorithms” in the National Conference JNANA CHILUME-2020, Organized jointly by the School of CSE & Department of mathematics, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JAIN (Deemed to be University), on 25Th November 2020 Science and Education Publishing

Resource Person for workshops / FDPs
  1. 1.Participated in the 2ND International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Speech Technology (AIST-2020) organized by Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women ( IGDTUW) , Delhi held on 19th -20th November , 2020
  2. Completed Python Course in Coursera Platform.
  3. Cloud computing workshop, Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore
  4. Focus Academy for career enhancement at Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore on 4th to 8th September 2017.
  5. Participated in an International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Information Processing (CCIP), JSSATE, Bangalore on 15TH & 16th December 2017
  6. Participated in two days’ workshop on Programming in Python in association with SPECKBIT at JSSATE Bangalore on 11 and 12th November 2016.
  7. Participated in Entrepreneurship awareness camp in collaboration with entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, on 15 to 17 February 2018 organized by ISRO, Bangalore in association with Global Academy of Technology
  8. Participated in International Conference on “Cognitive computing and Information processing” CCIP 2017 at JSSATE, Bangalore on 15th and 16th December 2017.
  9. One day work shop on cloud computing BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore on 4th October 2019
  10. A Project on “Blind walking Stick” Participated in National level Project Exhibition at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 14th April 2016