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Dr. Divakar Harekal

Information Science and Engineering


Dr. Divakar Harekal


Dr. Divakar Harekal


Dr.  Divakar Harekal Professor  in the Department of Information Science and Engineering , received his doctoral degree from Jagadishprasad Jabermal Tiberwal University , Jumjunu Rajasthan  in the year 2017.  He has studied M. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from Vinayaka Mission University, Salem  and BE in Electronics and Communication  from Gogte Institute  of Technology, Belgaum, under Karnatak University in 2007 and 1986 respectively.  He has 17 years of Industry experience and 20 years of academic experience. He has published 15 research papers in various International journals.  He is life member in CSI, ISTE.  He has reviewed several research articles for reputed journals and international conferences.  He is also an Introduced Embedded system IOT courses with Cortex M0 microcontollers and IOT with 8266 microcontrollers,

informatiom management system and storage area network, cryptography and network security.

Embedded Systems and IOT, Cloud Computing, Cyptography and network security

ISTE from 2013 Membership no LM89906

Journal Publications
  • Divakar Harekal, Vijaykumar B.P, R.Chandrashekar” mHealth Mobile Phone based Patient Compliance System “ International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 79 – No8, October 2013
  • Divakar Harekal and Suma V, “Implication of Post Production Defects in Software Industries”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) January 2015 Edition.
  • Divakar Harekal, Suma V “ Framework for reducing post-production defects in the software industry” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, March -2015  ISSN 2229-5518.
  • Shekhar Banerjee, DivakarHarekal “Vehicle Control in Vehicle to Infrastructure(V2I) environment”. International Journal for Computer Application volume164/number8/27504-2017913714  ISBN : 973-93-80896-12-8 April 18, 2017
  • Deepa H Belavigi, Veena G S, DivakarHarekal “Prediction of Liver Disease using Rprop, SAG and CNN” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8, June, 2019
  • Khan Benazir Parveen, Veena. G.S., Dr. Divakar Harekal “Brain Tumor Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network.”Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), Retrieved from 14218 – 14226. Retrieved from
  • Divakar Harekal, Veena GS,  Ghongade “Improving GPS/INS Signal Accuracy using Kalman Filter during GPS Outages.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 14883 -. Retrieved from
  • Suvarna Hugar, Dr. Divakar Harekal “Arduino Based Automated Toll Collection Using Image Processing” Issn (Print): 2393-8374, (Online): 2394-0697, Volume-8, Issue-5, 2021 43
  • Divakar HV, Lavanya MS, Nikhil Dhruva, Padmaja K, Pragna CP “Image Encryption using Cryptography “, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology,  ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588, Vol. 10, Issue 5, May 2023 DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10581
Paper Presentations in International/National Conferences
  1. Divakar Harekal, Suma V, “ Implications of Post Production Defects in Software Industries”, II International Conference on Communication, Computing and Information Technology, 12 th -13 th December 2014, Chennai, India
  2. Divakar Harekal , Jawahar J Rao and Suma V, “Pattern Analysis of Post Production Defects in Software Industry”, 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing Theory & Applications (FICTA), 14th-15th November, 2014 Bhubaneswar, India.Index: Springer, ISI Proceedings, DBLP,Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math,MetaPressWebLink:
  3. Divakar Harekal, Suma V, “Knowledge of Cost Quality Analysis to Reduce Defect Injection Verses Defect Detection Rate during Software Development Process”, ”, National Conference on Research Aspects in Management Prospects & Entrepreneurship Development Perspectives, by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED) & Saveetha School of Management (SSM), Saveetha University – Chennai – 7th February 2015.
  4. Divakar Harekal, Suma V, “Knowledge and Defect Management Approaches to Software Industries “ on 19th May 2015. 7th National Conference at SJB Institute of Technology Bangalore and Presented
  5. Vidyadhara Reddy and DivakarHarekal “ Smart Healthcare Management Framework “ International Conference on soft computing, intelligent systems and Applications (ASISA 2106) RL Jallapa Institute of Technology Bangalore April 8-9 2016.
  6. Susheel Vyas, H.V.Divakar, “Survey on Low Cost and Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Journal: Computing Surveys Manuscript ID CSUR-2016-0066 Paper: Regular Paper Date Submitted by the Author: 16-Feb-2016 Complete List of Authors: Vyas, susheel Computing ClassificationSystems.
  7. Spoorti. B, DivakarHarekal “SCADA Security in Various Industrial Sectors “2018 3RD ieee international conference on recent trends in electronics, information & communication technology(rteict) 2018 .
  8. Monish Narendra, Veena G S, DivakarHarekal, Jagadish S Kallimani “BIOMETRIC BASED ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING CLOUD “ The Springer 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Soft Computing (CISC-2019) at Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh
Achievements and awards
  1. Best Project Award For  Mtech CSE  2017 Won by Shekar Banerjee For “ Prototype on “ Vehicle to everything communication for intelligent movement on smart roads”
  2. Best project Award forMtech CSE 2016 won by Vidhyadhar Reddy for” Smart Healthcare management frame work “ with a working prototype to check Blood Sugar level.
  3. Smart Home &Secure Home “Project exhibition Anveshane -13 by Agasthya foundation.