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Dr. B.K. Raghu Prasad

Civil Engineering

Dr. B K Raghu Prasad

Dr. B.K. Raghu Prasad

Professor Emiritus(Visiting)

Dr. B.K. Raghu Prasad


Dr. B K Raghu Prasad graduated in Civil Engineering and completed his post-
graduation in Structural Engineering from Bangalore University and Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D) in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
He has about 34 years of teaching experience and currently working as a visiting
Professor at Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. His areas of interest includes
Earthquake Engineering, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, Structural Dynamics, and
Finite element and boundary element methods. He has published more than 70
research articles in reputed national and international journals. He has presented
more than 150 technical papers in national/international conferences. He has guided
27 PhD Scholars. He has the honours’ of professional membership of American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He has successfully completed the research
funding grant (worth 91 lakhs) under various funding agency.

Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Resistant Design, Finite
Element and Boundary Element methods

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Journal Publications
  1. Muralidhara, S., Raghu Prasad, B. K. and Singh, R.K., (2013) “Size independent
    Fracture energy from fracture energy release rate in plain concrete beams” Engg.
    Frac.Mech. (Elsevier Publishers), Vol. 98, pp. 284-295.
  2. Mahesh Mungule, Raghu Prasad B.K., Muralidhara, S. (2013) “Fracture studies
    on 3D Geometrically similar beams” submitted to Journal of Engineering Fracture
    Mechanics (Elsevier Publishers), Vol. 98, pp. 407-422.
  3. R. Vidya Sagar, B.K.Raghu Prasad (2013) Laboratory investigations on cracking
    in reinforced concrete beams using on-line Acoustic Emission Monitoring
    Technique, journal of civil structural health monitoring. Springer, DOI:
    10.1007/s13349-013-0036-5 51.
  4. R. Vidya Sagar, B.K.Raghu Prasad (2013) Laboratory investigations on cracking
    in reinforced concrete beams using on-line Acoustic Emission Monitoring Technique, journal of civil structural health monitoring. Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s13349-013-0036-5.
  5. R.Vidya Sagar, B.K.Raghu Prasad, R.V.Prasad, and M.V.M.S.Rao (2013) Micro-cracking and fracture behavior of cement concrete and mortar: A comparative study using AE technique. Experimental mechanics. Springer; doi: 10.1007/s11340-012-9708-z
Paper Presentations in International/National Conferences

1. P V Ramana& B K Raghu Prasad, 21-23 Feb 2013 "An Innovative approach for
fractional derivative problems", IIT, Varanasi, India.
2. P V Ramana& B K Raghu Prasad, 2012 "A Novel Technique for Solving nonlinear
plate problems" GBECT, China.
3. B.K.Raghu Prasad, Rabindra Kumar Saha, A.R.Gopalakrishnan, “Fracture behavior
of Plain concrete Beams”- Experimental Verification of One Parameter Model”,
ICCES-2010, Las Vegas, USA, March 28-April 1, 2010.
4. P V Ramana& B K Raghu Prasad, 29-30 Mar 2013 “A NONLINEAR ANALYSIS
Mumbai, India.
5. P V Ramana& B K Raghu Prasad, 21-23 Mar 2013 “A NOVEL PROCEDURE FOR
Mechanical division, IRD, Pune, India.

Grants/Funded Projects/ Consultancy

Grants received – 91 lakhs

Achievements and awards
  1. Has 1293 Google citations
  2. Supervised 27 PhD scholars