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Dr. Sowmya Padukone.G

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Dr. Sowmya Padukone

Dr. Sowmya Padukone.G

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sowmya Padukone.G

Dr. Sowmya Padukone.G, AssIstant  Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, received her  Doctoral Degree from Visveswaraya Technological  University, VTU,Belagavi  in the year 2023.  She has completed  M. Tech. in VLSI Design & Embedded Systems from  Visvesvaraya Technological University, VTU,Belagavi and BE in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Bangalore University. Bangalore, Karnataka .  She has around 20  years of Academic Experience. She has published around 12 Research papers in various International Conferences & International  Journals.  She has one patent in her name at present.

Photonics, Sensors, Bio-Chip design, Micro-array analysis, Image  Processing,VLSI Design, and Embedded Systems.

Certification from Faculty Development Program

Journal Publications
  1. Published a Paper entitled ,‘Scientific Applications of Forensic Science for Detection of Criminals & Different Diseases using Optical Biosensor‖ Published in the Journal International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)‘ – Scopus Indexed Volume No-8 Issue-6S3,Page No 260 to 266, Impact Factor 0.546 and Year of Publication April 2019, Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication with DOI,Scopus indexed Journal
  2. Published a Paper entitled ,‘Information Determination of the Constituents of White Blood Cells Using Optical Biosensor‘ ―Published in the Journal JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Volume No14 Issue-6,Page No 1023 to 1032, Impact Factor 2.8191 and Year of Publication December 2019, Published by Institute of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences with DOI,Web of Science indexed Journal.
  3. Published a Paper entitled‘ Disease prediction and detection in animals by DNA genetic engineering using optical sensor based on silicon material‘ Published in the Journal Materials Today: Proceedings Volume No-62 Issue-4,Page No 1898-1903, Impact Factor 1.46 and Year of Publication February 2022, Published by Elsevier Ltd.with DOI, Scopus indexed journal
  1. Published a paper entitled  ‘Genetic expression and clustering analysis related to DNA micro-arrays using optical sensor manufactured using silicon material‘ Published in the Journal Materials Today: Proceedings Volume No-62 Issue-4,Page No 1770-1779, Impact Factor 1.46 and Year of Publication January 2022, Published by Elsevier Ltd.with DOI,Scopus indexed  journal
  2. Published a Paper entitled ‘Computational process to ascertain DNA micro‐array using genetic marker’in IJIT journal which is scopus indexed published online on 18th December 2023with DOI
Paper Presentations in International/National Conferences

1.Presented a Paper entitled ‘Optical Signal Confinement in an optical Sensor for Efficient Biological Analysis by HQF Achievement’Published in: 2020 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)(48184), 15-17 June 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ICOEI48184.2020.9142985, Publisher: IEEE, Conference Location: Tirunelveli, India

2.Presented a paper entitled’Definite Design Creation for Cellular Components Present in Blood and Detection of Cancerous Cells by Using Optical Based Biosensor’ International Conference On Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing,ICCVBIC 2018: New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-inspired Computing pp 1283-1292, DOI-, Online ISBN978-3-030-41862-5, Publisher Name-Springer, Cham

3.Presented a Paper entitled’ Tumor Markers for Cancer Detection using Optical Sensor’Publisher: IEEE, Published in: 2018 International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Date of Conference: 13-14 Dec. 2018, INSPEC Accession Number: 18796243, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSIT.2018.8748289, Conference Location: Tirunelveli, India-Received Best Paper Award in IEEE Conference

4.Presented a Paper entitled ’DNA Micro-Chip Analysis and Image Processing to optimize Genetic Expression’ International E-Conference on Recent Trends & Development in information and Communication Engineering(ICRTDIC) ,ISBN : 88192710471, 23rd Oct 2020

5.Published a Paper entitled ‘Micro Array Visualization and Mathematical Analysis using Optical  Pixel Technology’ESN PUBLICATIONS,World Book of Records, UK,January 2021


Patent 1-Photonic Sensor Waveguide based Micro-array Analysis in the field of Medicine Published on 15/9/2023

Achievements and awards

Received Best Paper Award in IEEE Conference for the Paper entitled ‘Tumor Markers for Cancer Detection using Optical Sensor’on December 2018