
Entry fee: ₹ 1400

Strut your style at the Fashion Show! Showcase your creativity and flair on the runway as you model the latest trends and designs. Impress the audience with your confidence, poise, and individuality. Compete for top honors and let your fashion sense shine. Don't miss your chance to be a star in the world of fashion!

Venue: Main Stage
No. of Participants: 8+2 mins
(only 1 extra co-ordinator allowed)
Time Limit: 8+2 minutes
No. of Teams per institution: 2
When: Day 1 (21-06-2024) 5:30PM - 8PM
Cash Prize: Winners-10000 Runners-6000


* The group can consist of a Minimum Of 8 participants & a Maximum Of 8+2 participants (only 1 extra co-ordinator will be allowed).
* Time limit for the performance is 8+2 minutes. (Including setting up of background an intro to the theme). It is advisable not to exceed the limit.
* Participants should submit their outfits at least one week before the event.
* Revealing outfits will result in immediate disqualification. Girls’ outfits should be below the knee or paired with stockings.
* Participants are required to report to the event venue 2 hours before the performance or earlier.
* Green rooms will be provided on a first-come basis.
* Participants are requested to ensure that they arrive at the venue fully prepared and in appropriate attire.
* College ID card must be carried by all the participants.
* If any hazardous equipment, such as fire, smoke bombs, water, etc is used, it will result in immediate disqualification.
* If there is a requirement for Parking space, it should be informed prior, and parking for not more than 2 vehicles will be given for each team.
* Theme - Open Theme Outfits & Judging criteria
* It is mandatory to keep the outfits as modest as possible else teams will be disqualified on the same grounds.
* Wearing heels is compulsory for the performance, and failure to do so, or performing without footwear or heels, will lead to negative markings.
* Marks will be given based on:
- Choreography
- Creativity of Outfits
- Props used
- Time management
* Judge's decision will be final.
* Only one team per college is allowed.