Solo Ramp Walk

Entry fee: ₹ 200

Command the runway at the Solo Ramp Walk Competition! Showcase your confidence, style, and individuality as you walk the runway solo. Impress the audience and judges with your poise, grace, and charisma. Compete for top honors and let your unique personality shine. Don't miss your chance to be a standout in the world of solo modeling!

Venue: Main Stage
No. of Participants: 1
Time Limit: 3mins
No. of Participants per institution: 2
When: Day 1 (21-06-2024) 5:00PM - 5:30PM
Cash Prize: Winners-1200 Runners-800


-ID Card is compulsory.
General Rules:
1. Eligibility: Open to all students enrolled in the program.
2. Registration: Participants must register by the specified deadline.
3. Time Limit: Each participant has a maximum of 3 minutes on stage.
4. Theme: Participants should adhere to the theme they provide.
5. Attire: Costumes must be appropriate and respectful of all cultures and traditions.
6. Props: Use of props is allowed but must be pre-approved by the organizers.
7. Backstage: Only participants and authorized personnel are allowed backstage.

Performance Guidelines:
1. Runway Walk: Participants should exhibit confidence, poise, and style in their walk.
2. Poses: Include at least three poses during the walk.
3. Music: Music for the walk must be submitted in advance and should be between 2-3 minutes.
4. Choreography: Any choreography should be pre-approved to ensure safety and appropriateness.
5. The selected contestants will showcase a talent of their choice for 1 minute, followed by an interactive questioning round with the judges.

Judging Criteria:
1. Style and Creativity: Originality and creativity in costume design.
2. Presentation: Confidence, posture, and overall stage presence.
3. Adherence to Theme: How well the outfit and presentation align with the theme.
4. Audience Engagement: Ability to engage and captivate the audience.
5. Overall Impact: The general impression left by the performance.

Safety and Conduct:
1. Behavior: Participants must maintain professionalism and decorum at all times.
2. Safety: No use of fire, hazardous materials, or unsafe props.
3. Respect: Respect all fellow participants, organizers, and the audience.
4. Clean-up: Participants must ensure their area is clean and free of debris after their performance.

1. Disqualification: Any breach of rules or inappropriate behavior may lead to disqualification.
2. Decision: Judges’ decisions are final and binding.
3. Support: Participants can have a maximum of two helpers for backstage support.